1. The questions really help prepare me to pass the state exam! 😎can explain the correct answer a little better hard to understand why it's the correct answer or the incorrect need to do more research on some questions to better understandHas good info but the navigation through the app is hard to study with because you have to reset the questions to review the ones you have read.
2. Being put in a test is fine but perhaps give some basic knowledge based on the simple test first then present them the test.This has really been helping me remember the information! I love it!!Excellent material! Really like the selection of topics for questions.
3. You also have 3 free test at the end of the book.Does anyone know if this app actually works on the real estate state test? I forgot to cancel before the 3 free day trial and got charged $30 for it.
4. It would be helpful if you could read through a few questions or vocab cards and then go back and review, this way you could memorize the info easier.This helped me so much more than online class.
5. I passed my national exam 1st try....thank you!! Now, if you'd make an app for state tests..would be amazing.You get so many topics free then after that you need to pay to unlock the other topics.
6. You can get the book real estate for dummies since it has the same questions and topics just like the app.
7. I don't want to spend too much time on it, it seems the questions are somewhat outdated and not relevant to what I studied in class.
8. Maybe you could connect your site some kind of way to sites like, Ibotta (using option of a gift card from your company), so we can use our money from the rebates to purchase the packages you offer.
9. Plus you have test questions at end of sections.
10. You don't even get a basic knowledge about real estate for free as someone who new to it.
11. BTW no offense to the creator, I'm simply asking because I have a state test in a few weeks.