1. Improve positioning, share pictures and review your contributions on mapcreator. here.
2. Just search, view and update the HERE map on-the-go easily and quickly from your mobile phone.
3. Just use Map Creator and share it with millions of HERE powered devices worldwide.
4. This app allows you to improve your day to day HERE navigation by providing updates to the HERE map.
5. Collect, edit or delete places.
6. Is your favorite spot missing from the HERE map?
7. Map Creator is entirely free.
8. Just join the community and enjoy mobile mapping.
1. A famous search engine also does stupid things like this by changing to Arabic when you land at a relevant airport... Really??? Taken to the extreme... I'll be skilled in martial arts the use of chopsticks when I fly to China or enter a Chinese restaurant?Awful.
2. It's feature set is not as broad but as a free app and the ability to down load and use it off line I've been promoting it and here we go versus pointman and Google maps.
3. I just want to say, the search for a place is sending me to the wrong location.
4. We can't help this company if they don't fix this app but if you want to contribute to free maps worldwide that anyone can use join the open source effort of Open Street Maps.
5. I also not a few of these I added as other road closures, have been removed again.*** UPDATE: Language selection is now available on the new version.
6. On this app you can see the place in the right location but if you search for the place, it shows at the wrong location.
7. We can work together to create maps and that bottom up structure is honestly a great means to achieve an ends.
8. Look for the Android app called "OSMAnd" on the Google play store and sign up to start editing!This is a great alternative to pointman.
9. This is very annoying, as you can't pan the map to a location exactly you want.. If you want to motivate your users, please set up a point or badge reward system.
10. ***Initial Review Language selection is not available! I have several language keyboards installed on my phone as I reply to messages from friends speaking different languages.
11. No easy way to fix this on HERE, unlike Google maps.Unfortunately the app does not link into the offline maps of the here app.