1. If you start looking at even trivial things around you more positively, your days will become much more joyful. ⭐️ Become more optimistic by regularly thinking of and writing down grateful moments of your life. ⭐️ Increase self-esteem by focusing on your own achievements rather than comparing with others. ⭐️ Grateful thinking and grateful moods help you sleep better and longer. ⭐️ Feel less stress by giving your thinking a more positive target. ⭐️ Live a happier life with positive emotions and healthier relationships. ⭐️ Write and decorate your journals with various fonts, backgrounds, and stickers. ⭐️ Set up the best mood for writing with beautiful themes and music. ⭐️ Share your journal anywhere you'd like as an image.
2. If you only take 5 minutes a day to remember and write down those moments, you will find yourself feeling more vibrant and thinking more positively.
3. If you take time to look back on everyday life, there are many happy moments to be grateful for.
4. Gratitude journal is where you write grateful moments of your day.
5. You just tend to forget them getting through busy days.
6. Do you feel overwhelmed or depressed lately?
7. Let's start with simple ones.
8. Did you have a sound sleep?
9. Are you tired of the same old routine?
10. If you met someone, was there anything enjoyable?
11. All data is only kept locally on your device; your private data is not exposed externally.
1. Add options for different fonts, sizes, backgrounds from our own stored images, add motivational stories of resilience and hard work, add more feel good instrumentals, add import export options, add mood checker and maintainer, quotes in notification every morning, affirmations.
2. Please please please make an option to put up our own pictures as the background, I love all the other features already.
3. And also, an option to add specific songs or musics from our phone storage as bgm would also be a lot useful for us users.Good but can be made finer, better.
4. And I'm a detailed person so it didn't work well for me.Love this! Hope to add a custom background and sticker.
5. If there's an option to add my own pictures as the background than this would be perfect! Maybe keyword stats and search would be cool also.
6. Firstly, an option to add custom images as background similarly an option to add images from our galleries as stickers.
7. Nice!Please add a reminder notification option so I get a notification once a day to use my journal.
8. I use it for gratitude! I love it! If there is a reminder option I couldn't find it so please tell me where it is.
9. Please keep the good work.Since I've downloaded this app, I have really put thought into the things I'm grateful for in my life.
10. The aesthetic is amazing, I love the flipping page effect, the book visual on the cover, the UI and how focused it is.
11. I also really appreciate that there's no ads and there's no social sharing.A big hearty thanks, to the developers of this app for such an amazing, free and visually stunning app.