1. The 4 color waypoints are interchangeable with those in the global list (via the manager). ► Classic tracker GPS tool: find a GPS position like that of the car, at Grandma's, a corner with mushrooms ... » Information given: the time remaining before contact, the distance remaining, the speed, the difference in altitude, ...
2. The treatments of these GPS tools provide information: distances, areas, lengths, perimeters, angles, paths, remarkable points, intersection points, projected points, heights, diagonals, medians, bisectors, incircle, circumcircle, ...
3. There are many tools available, combining WPs to create geometric shapes, routes, lists or gather information for more complex processing.
4. Touch capabilities are used, click on the maps to get information specific to the selected tool, select WP, ... 4 waypoints are accessed via a color code -Green, Blue, Red, Yellow-.
5. Its objective is to provide all the information and tools possible associating the user (you), GPS positions, a calculator (your smartphone).
6. GPS tool for finding GPS positions and giving cartographic, geometric and statistical information.
7. Sport routes can be saved automatically and displayed, processed, reused by integrated GPS tools.
8. All available GPS tools use one or more of the following: current position, WPs of colors, WPs typed on the map, WPs of a list.
9. The information and results are displayed on the map (google map).
10. This is to facilitate simple treatments (quick search, triangle, quadrilateral, circles ... ).
11. The interface is intuitive and based on a simple color code.
1. How can I use it to track my lost phone?The kind of gps I was looking for that have information but not what I wanted ok.Brilliant app,Actually the best one out there,(I had to go through them all )I will soon prove it.I have not used it yet.Hi good app nice appIt sucked.
2. There's an incredible amount of information packed into your tiny phone screen.
3. With the screen live the battery on your device will drain quickly.Very nice app.
4. Once you move to a different app or blank the screen the location quits.
5. Thanks for your hard work!It is very nice and is has 100% precise location.
6. Useful intuitive app so long as the screen is on.