1. For whenever you want to be less wrong, you can accurately update using this calculator.
2. Doing Bayes in your head?
3. This app will update you in the right direction!
4. Input your priors on the top line, add the likelihood for evidence on the second line and your updated probabilities will appear. - If the probability at the bottom does not make sense (is over %100 or under 0%) make sure you've entered valid probabilities for your priors.
1. Two suggestions: I encourage the author to provide at least 2 or 3 examples of real world applications.
2. As Kahneman points out in his bestseller "Thinking, Fast and Slow", our intuition is typically way off in estimating the updated probabilities.
3. I applaud the author's efforts and hope this app goes viral!Would be perfect if it had just a few examples or explanations.
4. Make the letters and symbols come alive! We often face situations where we have the inputs and need the updated probability.
5. While the calculations behind this app are mathematically simple, they are difficult in practice for the vast majority of educated Android users.
6. Second, this app allows for probabilities greater than 100%, which is absurd and should be easy to fix.
7. Bayesian probabilities are important in the everyday world.
8. I truly like the app.Add some example, like other saidIf you don't work with Bayes already this will not make sense.
9. Not a whole Wikipedia entry, just one screen full of help.
10. If it had a little explanation and an example it might go viral.
11. This app fills a real need.