1. I ended up uninstalling it.This app burns through the battery - it doesn't provide any obvious way to switch off the GPS when you've finished.
2. App Messages are difficult to impossible to read and respond to, because the print is tooo small, while bicycle riding.
3. I hoped the recent update would fix this , but instead it has gone from useless to massively irritating.
4. Turning it on makes my phone constantly repeat a ringing sound -- brrring, brrring, brrring.
5. With the latest update however, the advertising techniques they are now using are EXTREMELY annoying.
6. Done here, uninstalling.in which sense , you use the unit calories burned for odometer.
7. Also can still off line.Did not work on Samsung galaxy J3.
8. Even so, It is still the best i have found so far.Doesn't seem to work.
9. Is it sounding off every time it pings a satellite? This is about the most irritating app ever.
10. Seemed like app had to get on wifi to serve you ad before would even work.
11. rating is for the smoth flow of the appVery good for my purpose.