1. Live airplanes: Enable planes from the settings menu, then point at a plane to see the flight number, origin, destination, altitude and current airspeed of any commercial airline plane you can see.
2. Horizon Explorer will show mountain & hill peak names, lakes or forests, the names & designations of roads, and many buildings.
3. If you are in a tall building, or otherwise not standing on the ground, enable "Tall Building mode" and optionally set your altitude using the slider.
4. Horizon Explorer works worldwide, but works best on top of a hill with an unobstructed view of your surroundings.
5. You can drag the horizon line with your finger to line up with the camera if the automatic tracking is not working very well.
6. Or try waving your phone around in the air in a figure 8, then press "align using compass" to calibrate the compass.
7. Point your camera at a landmark you can see on the horizon (eg.
8. Wikipedia Information will be displayed for anything that has a Wikipedia article with a location set on the article.
1. There's also a yellow blotch that sort of floats around on the screen but no description of what it's supposed to do sometimes a strawberry like red icon pops up and floats around I have no idea what that indicates.The planes feature would be interesting if it wasn't such a money grab.
2. Why so much money?! Per minute!? I can get live tracking data free elsewhere... Why not at least a trial mode so we can see what we would be buying? By the way, I'm not a cheapskate... I simply want to know what the feature does / looks like without having to pay a fee (for only 10 minutes of use at that).
3. I see something like a ruler laying at a 45 degree angle that might indicate distance and there's some kind of vertical bar that might indicate altitude.
4. I have an unobstructed view from my house of Mount Baker in Washington State and it won't identify it (or any of the other mountains in the Cascade Range that we can see).
5. I mean that user select a location from map and ar presentation shows selected location on screen.
6. but the distance is definitely wrong I pointed at a house across the street that's a hundred fifty feet away and its reporting less than 70.
7. The description shows the word distance and the word altitude.
8. AR topographic map that appears when zooming should just take over the screen instead of partially overlaying the camera image because the two aren't compatible.
9. Display on screen does not match the images in the description.
10. Keep improving and add more awesomeness to this application.Seems pretty accurate but it only seems to reach out about 6 miles.
11. It did seem like the distance measurement feature is not very accurate but close enough.