1. A: Sensor activated, Audio Loop file. 2) Reset controls per application and Re calibration of pointer display. 5) Set Sensors - 5 Second delay to allow time to move away from device.
2. Note: You the User or a spirit, may click and choose any file or program. 1) MP3 Audio by Rickyvb at Both you the user and a spirit using the pointer can start or stop.
3. Note: Touch has been disabled for the user to prevent fake videos from appearing Mainstream. Spirit input only. B. C.
4. Each device is different and requires the User to set the calibration for said device ( Described in NEW USER, information in program ).
5. Re Calibrate, while in use. 6) Visual onscreen time and seconds for video productions, via another recording device. I. E. Camcorder.
6. A means for a spirit to draw out letters, numbers, words, etc... D. A.
7. A means to get words, sentences numbers and more, to work with VBE Ghost Box or without. C.
8. This application has startup information on how to use the application by selecting New User.
9. This application, uses the GEO SENSORS in your device.
10. This is the first Operating system, designed for Spirit Communication. A .
11. A means to play music with a spirit present or alone. B. C. D.
1. Read directions a few x's, never touched phone.The directions were a bit overwhelming and @ 1st didnt think it was working, but a few minutes in the pointer started moving on its own, so i pushed the back to menu and i still heard voices, and the pointer again starting moving random @1st then started choosing which tool 2 use.
2. 100% remarkable stuff!It worked after a few times explaining to the spirit how to use it and after a while my sister started recording and I was being silly and asked " Who Wants COOKIES???" and we played back the recording and heard clear as day say " Actually I Like Cake Alot better !" My jaw dropped this app is awesome!5 stars.
3. After adjusting and WORKING WITH THE SPRITS (there were twelve murdered, names, answers and they loved the type app) to get the curser just right for the sprits to move.
4. But I can't type in questions, but it seems like the spirit is essentially going through the alphabet, and numbers like it was interpreting communication all over again.
5. My phone works with other apps with vibration detection, so I'm pretty confused to why this app's not working.
6. While deeply fascinated at the experience i must say this app impressively affected me to the point of scared it's actually happening!Seems to be responding to ghost draw, and spirit box.
7. @ first I didn't get anything but this time it seemed to have gone haywire! It even started speaking in different languages.
8. I had a bit of a hard time understanding how to calibrate but it just took me re-reading the instructions and it clicked into place.
9. Any help so I can type questions through the text, and or a explanation of the type function would be great.Still exploring.
10. Once you figure out how to work the app and can correctly calibrate your phone the results are nutz.
11. The pointer took over, typed the alphabet but u can't type anything.