1. Day + Date Calculator - Days Between Dates -Days To Date without ads.
2. "Day+Date Calculator" app is very functional and it's very easy to work with.
3. With this app, We can easily calculate the Day + Date together and get the difference.
4. Just type the days you want.
5. You will then see the full details.
6. Tag: Age Calculator, Day Calculator, Date Calculator.
1. Thanks.only the start day shows and no finish date wasted timeSuper app download in easy but work in superWow This is APK Absolutely Amazing Very Interesting Fantastic All Category Nice ApkIt is very nice app i love this appThank u so much good appVery very nice appVery essential for me .
2. If I plant July 7th I want to know the date 85 days out to harvest a melon.
3. That date is easily displayed (9/30) and the app is VERY easy to use.
4. I am using the app to calculate days to harvest for my garden.
5. I also love that it uses very little space on my phone.
6. I'm very excited to be able to use this app! Thank you!!Excellent.
7. Easy and accurate.
8. No permissions ,no ads,no net and no money.