1. window resize option, file browser(for images and others..), reverse streaming , multiple languages...it will be great to see those added in future releases... .or simply a CLI option(commands input from app to PC like... )with help commands and a bunch of awesome vlc tips and secrets 😁😁 to get started with ..would be great.dont know if these are already available for pro versions if so sorry my bad 😩.Literally the only other usable vlc remote (and the other one is an old open source app from the days when Google still ran a code repository, and it's dead now - though still available in fdroid).
2. What a mess.this app is good and i like it, but it craches when i unlock my phone while streaming also it cant just play the album i have to manualy chose song by song to stream to my HTPC, if it wasnt for those two issues i would have given it 5 stars, thanks Devs keep the hard work 👍.
3. I have one problem.. I can stream the dafault YouTube videos (when you log in to youtube account) to my system.. But when I search for a particular video and try to play, it shows error.. In other words, you can not play what you want.. You are forced to stream only the provided videos (default videos).
4. It's also unclear whether you want the default gateway IP which it automatically detects if left blank, or my PC's IP, either way neither of them work.Convenient interface.great control and access.
5. You should be able to long hold, or double tap or something to reset to "default," but instead, if you accidentally change a setting you have to cycle through ALL OF THEM to get back to default, and end up skipping it and having to do it all over again.VLC always releases impeccable apps and updates and they have yet to dissapoint me.
6. I dont have enough characters left to give you the review you deserve! Could you add the EQ to the app?Works like a charm, but.... Every time you leave the app, you gotta navigate your way back trough all the folders on your pc to get back to your music.
7. I'm gonna try after a week or so again..and hope it'll be fixed by then..Won't connect to PC... Even after configuring my firewall and Lua http settings, the app first says "connection success" and after that won't actually connect and tells me to check configuration.
8. And rename the setting, cuz it's misleading.I love the app, its better than all other VLC remotes ive tried, but the notification options are so inconsistent.
9. If I could stay in the last folder used, like with saving the last YouTube video played that would be great.
10. No "hosting server," or whatever needs to be installed on your computer, you just set up VLC to detect a wireless remote and the app auto detects your PC.
11. Stand alone file explorer apps overwhelm my phone, even when hardwired, and here you nail it even though its .5% of the apps ability.