1. an improvement would be to have that page recommend stuff based on phrases searched, instead of just single words within it.Many scammers present and the platform does not even allow basic functionality to give a free text feedback about a buyer or a seller.
2. For this reason you will never know if the seller or buyer is doing any fishy business or not? Additionally, even if you are the highest bidder it means nothing... No restriction that the seller must sell to you.
3. And don't let me say anything about the scammers and webshops posting stuff on there... Marktplaats is really bad nowadays.Get rid of the 100s of ads!!!! I turn on notifications, it says there are 15 new results but it shows me 336 because of all the ads.
4. Notifications only work 20% of the time of those 90% are advertisement messages from marktplaats that I have 0 interest in.
5. Hopeless atmThey keep sending you marketing app notifications (unrelated to my ads and searches) for which there are no unsubscribe options.
6. Better to stick to the web version to avoid nuisance.I don't recieve notifications from chats, bids etc.
7. if you want your product advertisement to become better noticed you pay only very low prices like below 1 euro.
8. Double check your accounts!!basic usage is free, so great.
9. If you bid your not obligated to pay so you have to handle 50% people who never show up.Works terrible at the moment.
10. I have ordered the gas stove from seller and I have done my payment.
11. Even in the app messages from other people don't always show up.