1. Toddler Counting is completely free, no ads, no in-app purchases, no popup.... - Teach children real-life images: animal, toy, household, vehicles.... - Management function for children not quit and setting application.
2. If you are looking for a free app, fun and useful for your child start learning the first lesson, the 123 Toddler Counting Game is an application that you should consider first.
3. 123 Toddler Counting Game will help your child learning numbers (1-20) by counting something on real life.
4. Please feel free to contact us for any questions, to add a specific sound, to fix a bug or any other improvements you think will help this making a great app.
5. And besides, kids can play Connect the dots game for training.
1. nice appThe game keeps going back to the home screen when you are not even done alsoeven though it said no ads there were several very hard for an adult to follow let alone a two-year oldIts really good aapThere are ads galore.
2. Extremely poor design.My little sister become smarter in mathVery useful app to my child.
3. How is a 2 year old suppose to clear the ad? The kid presses on it and it goes to the advertiser website.