1. Let us help you pass the CompTIA Security+ certification test.
2. Cram-It knows everyone can be intimidated by certification testing.
3. Our questions have been developed for the latest certification exam.
4. Our study guide will teach you what you need to know on the go.
5. The Security+ Study Guide by Cram-It is not affiliated with CompTIA.
1. This also is too old to be applicable for the newest tests.I didn't have enough time to read this one but as far as i read it made me want to see moreQuestion based but no final score or post quiz review - can't examine questions missed for trendsNot good oneWell to goPluses: 106 questions (vs 30); no ads; can take it over and over Not-so-pluses: Some grammar and spelling issues; some bad answers; no score; same answers for each question each time; no explanation; All in all, I think it was very good at the price (free).
2. Be nice to have some diagrams as well.Great concept, very wrongly worded questions and answersAmazing app, totally free.
3. (I used in combination with CompTIA CertMaster and CBT Nuggets)A set of 100 or so questions, little functionality or explanation.
4. Really helpful and actually tells you the reason my your answers are wrong instead of just saying incorrect.
5. A reasonable free test.The app was last updated in 2016.
6. Answers need explanations.
7. There are better resources to spend your time on.
8. Will definitely reinstall when I have to take my test again.
9. I appreciate that fact that it's available.
10. God bless the creator.
11. I passed.