1. Pipeline Engineering is a discipline specializing in pipeline design, construction, operation, inspection, maintenance, and integrity management, with the purpose of providing safe, reliable transportation of oil and natural gas while realizing huge economic savings.
2. The responsibilities of piping engineering discipline about piping systems include design, fabrication, erection, inspection, testing, operation, maintenance.
3. Piping engineering is a discipline that is rarely taught in a university setting, piping engineering is extremely important for the safety of plant personnel, the safety of the public, and the reliability of a facility.
4. Pipeline Engineering deals with not only energy transportation by pipeline operation but also environmental conservation, climate change, and national security.
5. Mechanical engineering overlaps with aerospace engineering, metallurgical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, manufacturing engineering, chemical engineering, industrial engineering to varying amounts.
6. The field of mechanical engineering can be thought of as a collection of many mechanical engineering science disciplines.
7. Some of these sub disciplines are unique to mechanical engineering, while others are a combination of mechanical engineering and one or more other disciplines.
8. One of these sub disciplines is piping engineering.
9. Piping Toolbox tries to help mechanical and piping engineers by gathering any required information about the design and fabrication of piping systems.
10. None Metallic Flat Ring for ASME B16.
11. None Metallic Flat Ring for ASME B16.
1. Tips of the day and the quiz thing are fun and good for learning new things and keeping knowledge up to snuffApp is great concept but given it's ASME resulting measurements in standard measurements ( inches, etc.
2. ) would make it much more useful for US users.It's a awesome app but I can't figure out how to change the specs from Celsius and MM to Inches and Farenheit.Disappointed that this didn't have metric or that pipe sizes don't have DN or similar.
3. Will rate higher if this can give an option for metric units.You can't get it to change to standard.
4. It's all metric even after you buy itDont see anywhere to set dimensions to standard.
5. Excellent info.