1. Trip planner for SL, Stockholm, Skånetrafiken and Västrafik for walking, biking and public transport.
2. Trusted by commuters and visitors since 2009 to plan their trips in Stockholm with SL.
3. Includes real-time data for metro, bus, tram cars and trains. - Your accounts (Read Google service configuration) – Required to show maps, this does not mean the app have access to or can read information from your Google Account.
1. It's the best SL app out there assuming you don't need to buy any tickets via the app.Was a good enough app, now I get prompts every time to opt out of ad tracking and slow connection to the SL servers.I love it , it works all fine , and most important ; the design is much better and nicer than the SL official app ! Well done :)It dosen't work, it only says "the search failed, please try again"... And when it does work it just crashes and tells me that I have to restart it.
2. Please try againWhen your advertising interferes with the core functionality of the app it's time to look for alternative methods to monetize.Found the button, I'll leave them on for the maintenance things and stuff, thanks for a good app.
3. Maybe because my phone is "based" in US? Either way this app was greatcan you please add an indication if a train is cancelled in the list of travel options.
4. it says inside but one needs to click each travel option to find out if it's cancelled or not.
5. or worse find out at the journey :-/I uninstalled this years ago when SL updated their app, but now I'm back and wonder why I made the switch.
6. And then it goes back to the same problems again...When searching for a trip the app suggests train departures that doesn't exist.
7. For some reason I couldn't get the actual SL app from Stockholm to work at all.
8. Great app! Always right and always accurate but couldn't purchase tickets on it.
9. Non-existentIt doesn't work .
10. In every search the following message appears: the search failed.
11. So I just went to the machine in the subway and bouine there.