1. It looks like it is just taking me to a scanned version located in your web page Scrolling and pinch zoom is also inconsistent Some articles can be opened by hitting the top right corner Others you have to pinch zoom.
2. (Though why doesn't the app automatically tell me there is an update available?... Stupid! And frustrating!) Wish they would text or email subscribers to keep us updated on problems.
3. Clicking on an article to get text mode worked for about 10 articles then stopped working.
4. The other problem is being kicked out and having to start all over.What happened?? I had an older version of this app and had to reinstall to get the updated app.
5. E-edition articles come up in insanely tiny format you cannot re-size or zoom.
6. Pinch zoom worked marginally then would drop into one finger zoom.
7. I take want to support local media but this app is making it difficult.An incomprehensible layout of random articles.
8. Pinch zoom is solved in my android pad.Actually, NO STARS.
9. Difficult to navigate and view the e-edition (the only way to seemingly view all the day's content, versus the online content, which is still half advertisements in spite of paying for subscription).
10. Annoying ads in the middle of an article and some articles open up with extremely small print that you can't enlarge.
11. Until the next "update".Not worth the monthly cost to read the newspaper on an android app.