1. Other than that, amazingIt's awesome but I can't do something to pay because I don't know much about system on my phone and i don't want to waste money and it's so boring because it have a limit☹️ but it's an amazing app I like itThis actually works it's cool but it always crashes my phone and has lots of adds and needs internet to workThis app is useless it copies the text on the clipboard and the messages can't be send individuallyI give it 2 stars beacuase, I'm not sure if you can, I don't think you can actually do separate messages beacuase when I do it, it goes it to one (please fix this or tell me how to do separate messages).
2. If you need a mass text app or mass spam app (I use them to spam text scammers), this isn't what you need.
3. This is the best text repeater ever! It's amazing! Repeats as much as I want.
4. Just a foreword, ur phone might lag a bit bcus of how many characters there are.
5. I have no idea what the purpose of this app is, tbh, bc again, it doesn't do anything you can't already do with any phone right out the box.
6. It doesn't do anything that can't already be done by just typing and then using copy paste.
7. In addition to an ad everytime you open the app.
8. That's why I only give 2.It's literally just a clipboard.