1. This allows you to calculate several discounts quickly. ⭐️ Optionally you can calculate the price with tax. ⭐️ You can use the decimal point or the comma to enter the initial price, the discount and the tax, and the final price and the amount saved with the discount are displayed with decimal point or comma depending on the user's location. ⭐️ With customization options (remember the last discount, remember the last tax, number of decimals, decimal separator, thousands separator and currency symbol). ⭐️ With a button✖️to erase the initial price and continue calculating new discounted prices. ⭐️ With a simple and clean design that follows the Google design guidelines (material design). ⭐️ With support for different screen sizes, including 7 and 10 inch tablets. ⭐️ With multi-language support (Spanish 🇪🇸, English 🇬🇧🇺🇸, Portuguese 🇵🇹, French 🇫🇷, German 🇩🇪, Italian 🇮🇹, Russian 🇷🇺 and Chinese 🇨🇳🇹🇼).
2. Enter the price without discount or initial price, enter the discount percentage writing it, moving the control or slide bar to the discount percentage that must be applied or pressing the buttons to increase or decrease the discount, and immediately and without having to doing nothing else will calculate the final price to pay and what you save with the discount.
3. You will never have to pay for it. ⭐️ It does not have features or functionalities for which you have to pay, neither now nor in the future. ⭐️ The price is obtained immediately, just including the initial price and the discount percentage.
4. Discount calculator totally free 🆓 and very easy to use 👍 that allows you to obtain the final price 💶 after applying a discount.
5. It is ideal for shopping on sale and calculate the price after applying the discount.
6. If you do not know the final price of an item that has a discount, use this discount calculator and you will know instantly the price and how much you're saving with the discount.
7. Calculate the price with discount and tax easily and immediately.
8. The best application 🏆 to calculate the discount of a product or service.
9. You can also calculate the final price with or without tax.
10. Calculating price discounts has never been easier than with this calculator.
11. Optionally you can include a percentage of tax. ⭐️ It's free 🆓 forever.
1. Also has ads before even opening! Annoying as heck when u need it quick!was a great tool to use to quickly calculate discounts at work but defeats the purpose when I get 2 unskippable ads as soon as the app is openedHey can you add a feature to set discount in terms of amount price also, it would be really helpful.Great app, I work in tap and die, with 2 units of measure metric and standard, so this app is useful everyday, converting units, thanks guysWhat a Superb Solution for those who are in need.
2. Update: Still loving this app especially around the holidays really helps, so if you're not very good at math or very quick this will help, great app 👍i am lazy and ok at math, this just help me do the work so much easily and simple.
3. Better discount apps are available, don't bother with this one.Great tool for those who work in retail and have to constantly calculate discount and prices with tax.
4. I wish there was ad free version wouldn't mind paying for it.This is a really neat app to have, and I use it alot these day when you have to shop.
5. It does what is says it gives you the discounted price even calculates in my local sales tax.
6. i now know exactly what the price may be when they say its 30% off at shopping places.Almost there, need pro version.
7. Don't change a thing.Very annoying when an ad pops up as soon as the app opens, especially when it's an unskipable 30 second video ad.
8. Is there an option to get ad free version I would be willing to pay for ad free.
9. This app is great very simple to use.
10. This really does work.
11. I tried many...MANYYYYY but this one is The Solution.