1. Available for all graphics artist to non graphics artist. 3). Crop unused are. -> 2:1 which best suite for create Square Photo for Water Reflection Effect. -> 1:2 which best suite for create Square Photo for Mirror Effect. -> 1:1 which best suite for create Square and Reflection Both. 4. multiple options available like wave and speed increase decrease. 5).
2. this app provide Effects for those who want create "reflection" or "mirror" of photo.
3. Next is Saving you can chose save Either GIF or Images. which you like.
1. If you could remove this snag I would happily give you five stars.It's exactly what I need for my photo editing! It makes the ripples in the water.
2. It works fine i gallery but when shared on whatsApp it does not.
3. App is awsome.. But I do not know why gif dooes not work.