1. Km to Mile is the fastest unit converter and calculator that can convert kilometer to mile with ease. • Easy to use unit converter and calculator in one app. • Convert units for weight, distance, power, speed, etc. • Includes basic calculator functions for your computations.
1. My one gripe is I cant figure out how to switch it off as mentioned in other reviews (so I know it's not just me).Great overall all conversions are accurate energy, time, speed.etc .
2. Exactly what I was looking for.Simple to use, and covers alot of useful conversions for everyday use.Easy to use, very convenient.
3. Used Google Earth with maps to measure the distance from kayak launch to fishing spot.
4. As far as people having difficulty getting out of it, all I did was hit review and hit the exit spot on the bottom center of the display and I was out.
5. i w.ill have to do more distance experiments when my E care gets here.Really simple and easy to use.
6. Downloaded,used it and found out my spot is 5.2 miles up river.
7. Useful in the future I'm sure.Good versatile app.
8. This was mad by Unity so style on the app is the best... Overall greatMy guess at kl to miles was a little off.
9. This app was simple to figure out and use.
10. I can't convert this kinda stuff in my head.
11. Luckily, right there on my phone, an app that does just that appears.