1. We’ll help you find the best price by searching offers from online textbook rental companies.
2. BookTrapper helps you sell your used books or textbooks online for the highest price.
3. If you need to buy textbooks for the upcoming semester and want to find the lowest price online, we can help you with that too.
4. We’ll search the top book sellers online and find the lowest price.
5. Online prices are often lower than what you find in the campus bookstore or at the off-campus bookstore.
6. BookTrapper is especially helpful for those selling college textbooks, but you can sell other books on BookTrapper.
7. We search offers from all the buyback companies that specialize in buying used textbooks to make sure you get the most money.
8. Favorites: If you are scanning books and get a good offer, just tap Add to Favorites, and the app will save that book in a list so you can find it easily later.
9. Search textbook rental prices on BookTrapper.
10. Barcode Scanner: No need to enter ISBNs manually, just tap scan and our in-app barcode scanner will read the ISBN and start searching.
11. Most buyback companies ship for free and will pay you through PayPal or check.
1. So far a great timesaving tool! I just started using it a few days ago but it has already introduced me to a number of new places to sell that I was unaware of and also resulted in me making more money than I otherwise would have.
2. E.g. US Only.Great app! Simple to use and lets you compare different prices all at once!The books scan but the page afterwards just keeps loading, I tried a lot of books too.Great value.
3. Scanner works good too.This is such a great tool for getting the best returns on the books you sell, and saving on those you buy.
4. Thank you for such a clean, straightforward, user friendly app!I ended up not using the app because it seems to be mainly for textbooks.
5. The app itself seemed to work fine because it gave me no issues.Good app - got top dollar for my old textbooks.
6. Most of everything I scanned was only worth a few pennies to them so I listed on ebay and amazon instead.
7. I like how you can switch between selling and buying without having to type the isbn again.
8. Brilliant concept.This appears to be for US based users.
9. If it's a Google issue please clarify in the title.
10. It should not appear in the UK Playstore.
11. Overall very pleased.