1. It should be possible to use a station manually and not be forced to grant location access! I had to uninstall the app because of this behaviour.Everytime I try to zoom in so I can see where I need to go for different shops the map just randomly vanished into a direction.
2. wegführung nie funktioniert..Traurig dass Mitte 2017 Runtime Permissions noch immer nicht unterstützt werden.
3. The app does not start if it is not have access to location service (GPS).
4. maybe due to newer Android version?please change this red color, its pain for eyesA good idea, but badly implemented.
5. Von der Kernfunktionalität her eigentlich interessant.Accepted a flyer advertising this at Zürich Hauptbahnhof.
6. Literally unusable for the only purpose I downloaded it.crashes right after starting the app.
7. for Bluetooth Ready to deinstallBluetooth enabled = crash.
8. UI kritisieren fange ich jetzt mal gar nicht an.
9. Installed, but does not even start.
10. is approximate, because the app cannot follows correctly when I moved.
11. to follow proposed paths.