1. Tanben permet d’accedir ath Plan de medicacion vigent entà anar dirèctament tara farmàcia, demanar visita d’atencion primària e accedir a diuèrsi servicis de salut digitaus.
2. També permet accedir al Pla de medicació vigent per anar directament a la farmàcia, demanar visita d’atenció primària i accedir a diversos serveis de salut digitals.
3. La Meva Salut és un espai digital de salut personal que permet a la ciutadania de Catalunya accedir fàcilment a la seva informació de salut i relacionar-se de manera no presencial amb el Sistema de Salut de Catalunya.
4. La Meva Salut ei un espaci digitau de salut personau que permet ara ciutadanetat de Catalonha d’accedir facilament ara sua informacion de salut e relacionar-se de manèra non presenciau damb eth Sistèma de Salut de Catalonha.
5. Tanben permet accedir ar espaci de salut des hilhs e hilhes e des persones des quaus se sigue responsable legau.
6. També permet accedir a l’espai de salut dels fills i filles menors de 18 anys i persones tutelades.
7. Pots demanar la contrasenya presencialment al centre d’atenció primària (CAP), on t’has d’acreditar amb el teu document identificatiu (DNI, NIE o passaport) i amb la teva targeta sanitària individual (TSI).
8. Des deth servici d'eConsulta se pòden hèr consultes sanitàries as professionaus de salut, hèr tràmits e enviar documents.
9. Des del servei d'eConsulta es poden fer consultes sanitàries als professionals de salut, fer tràmits i enviar documents.
10. S’hi poden consultar i descarregar els informes clínics, els diagnòstics i els resultats d’anàlisis clíniques i proves.
11. S’i pòden consultar e descargar es informes clinics, es diagnostics e es resultats d’analisis cliniques e pròves.
1. Providing service with only two languages during these times is a lot of inconvenience to such people!I use my fingerprint to unlock the app, now it says my fingerprint is invalid and I need to test my password to get in (but it works fine for everything else)? But then it doesn't send me an SMS so now I'm locked out of the app with no way to get back in.Very easy to useHorrible Ui, forms do not función as they should in a professional government app and unable to complete necessary information due to bugginess.
2. This app will never be ok because is the typical service that doesn't want to receive feedback to improve.Fingerprint sign in doesn't work, so many pointless steps just to log in, many of the appointments don't appear, nothing is logical, completely non intuitive.
3. Really frustrating.Could be a very useful app if only it gave you all the appointments that u have with the hospital and cap, maybe it's the system needs synchronization, I have some appointments in my agenda but I also receive SMS messages with browser link to other appointments that are not linked to la meva salut.
4. But the app maker must be aware that there are many non-spanish living in Spain for short term that cannot speak Spanish but need covid certificate using such app.
5. I'm in the vicious circle... I click access my certificate it brings me to log in again and when I do it asks me to log in again and I can never see my certificateImpossible to download on Android phone with a spanish number.
6. Maybe notifications when new appointments are added to agenda would be useful too.
7. Just reading the "Help" submenu, going back and forth to explore all its different parts, is a real nightmare.
8. Also, it's 2021: app should be in more languages, we are in the 21st century and in Europe.How do I get my covid passport from this app?! It's insane.
9. But I've changed my mind since they took away access to read reports and results of your tests.
10. A real mess! If the app is not complete and functional it is pointless.
11. Hope you can get it all in sync, the agenda I like because you can add to your calendar app.
Hello ,
I'am EL MAZOUZI MOHAMED , with passeport numbre LT7539131. I have a problem to access to the app of La meva salut. The app told me that i'am not registre in systme. It's not a fact, because i had already been custumer with CIP numbre : MAZOU 0651129000
I need help, i want to connect to my acount but they told me that the format requested of my passeport numbre is not ok. So, i don't what to do, because is the only unique numbre that i have.
Thank you for your answer
Hi team,
I entered la Meva Salut, because I wanted to exchange my number at CAP Manso, to be able to book a viste. I did the change of my number in Meva Salut but it didn't change in https://citasalut.gencat.cat/PPM/ca/Access/SendCode (I still have the an old number). Can you please sync both platforms with my new number?