1. Let us help you choose the best dining place in any city in the world: ranging from restaurants serving haute cuisine to places with the most favourable price-quality ratio.
2. Compare ratings from Michelin, Frommer's, Zagat, Zomato, Yelp, Google, Foursquare, Facebook and make your choice. - write a review of the restaurant you visited.
3. It will be useful for other users! - find a restaurant by indicating a dish you would like to try today. - enjoy the advanced search of restaurants and visitor opinions.
4. Discover new restaurants, cafes, bars in your city and while traveling.
5. Want to eat a tasty meal?
6. Type ‘’delicious salmon’’ and discover places where you can try the tastiest fish in your location.
1. Very good.It doesn't have a manager app? I've been trying for a long time to add my restaurant to this app but it doesn't work, there should be a manager app too.This concept would be great, but the information is old and incorrectly labeled (i.e. Hemingway is out of business for 3 yes and Publix is a food store not a pub).
2. But otherwise, the app us great!This app sucks! Restaurants in other towns 15-30 miles away showing up as nearby with local addresses, being told there are no restaurants nearby while sitting in a restaurant parking lot, outdated info, etc.
3. mostly it is correct, but obviously some restaurants have friends write reviews to get up graded, and chefs move, and everyone has off nights and also, some eaters have limited palates.Nice database, terrible app.
4. Make the app fully customizable! I can't even sort my "favorites." Please fix this and you will have a great app! (BTW, I often work in India.
5. Sad.Suddenly app is crashing and not opening again after that uninstall and install working after some time later same thing happened.You can find just about anything you want.
6. Will this app work in India or only U.S.A.?)I registered as a user in this app using my email, however did not get the confirmation email.
7. As for app, it look good, however, as I cannot register, did not use it in full.Simple to use app, and a great concept.
8. The app seems better than most finding what I want but I have to change all the filters every single time I seach for something.
9. I haven't found a useful restaurant locater app since the old restaurant finder app disappeared but this is among the worst of the lot.
10. I love that it incorporates a map and photos of the restaurants snd food.
11. The map could use tweeking so that it doesn't bounce back to to a more broader view when you zoom in to get a closer look.
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