1. This App is an Handbook for Structural Calculations and a Beam Calculator.
2. An essential Tool for Civil Engineers, Architects, Technicians and Students for Civil Engineerig, Civil Buildings Experts, Mechanical Engineering and other Structure Disciplines.
3. It is useful for Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.
4. An handbook of quick consultation, calculation and pre-dimensioning of beams on your Android device.
5. Are available Graphics Diagrams, Section Calculator and Tables with Graphical and Numerical Results. ✔ You can calculate the stress characteristics (Bending Moment, Shear), Deflection, Reaction values, Moment and Shear numerical values every 1/10 length of the beams. ✔ supported beam with a concentrated load at midspan. ✔ supported beam with a triangular central load. ✔ beam resting on two bays with generic uniform loads. ✔ beam with two spans tongued-support and uniform load. ✔ beam with two spans tongued-support and uniform load on one span. ✔ wedged beam with concentrated load in generic position. ✔ Beam stuck with partial uniform load to the joint. ✔ wedged beam with partial uniform load to the final extreme. ✔ wedged beam with three generic concentrated loads in generic position. ✔ supported beam with a concentrated load in generic position. ✔ supported beam with double concentrated load symmetrically. ✔ beam supported with uniform loads to extremes. ✔ supported beam with uniform load at the center. ✔ supported beam with uniform load on the support left. ✔ supported beam with a triangular load at the supports. ✔ moment of inertia, area and square section modulus. ✔ moment of inertia, area and rectangular section modulus. ✔ moment of inertia, area and section modulus double section T. ✔ moment of inertia, area and rectangular hollow section modulus. ✔ moment of inertia, area and section modulus to C. ✔ moment of inertia, area and full circular section modulus. ✔ moment of inertia, area and circular hollow section modulus. ✔ Dimensioning in bending Section in reinforced concrete. ✔ Check in plane bending double T section steel. ✔ converter unit of measurement for pressure / tension.
1. it needs access to good documentationlack of options pre made schemes that didnt solved my problemsnot badUnit systems in this app are either unclear or screwed up.Very good appGood AppsI wish you could include 4 supports/reactions also.
2. You can change input to imperial units but all the corresponding info is still metric.
3. Not sure how useful this will be.confused. trying to get section rod calcs and have no idea if mm or m.
4. Thanks.