1. Bei Fragen zu Tarifen, zur Abrechnung, Erstattungen/Stornierungen oder Datenschutz helfen dir die Experten bei unserem Partner, bei dem du ein Ticket kaufen möchtest bzw. gekauft hast, gerne weiter.
2. Kaufen Sie das Deutschlandticket nur von offiziellen Anbietern! “Einmal registrieren und in 23 Regionen Tickets kaufen.
3. HandyTicket Deutschland bündelt die Fahrpläne und Tarife der unterschiedlichen Verkehrsregionen Deutschlands in nur einer App.
4. Neben ÖPNV-Tickets könnt Ihr auch Park-, Strom- und Freizeittickets erwerben.
5. Gefälschte Websites stehlen Daten mit Billig-Tickets.
6. +++ Achtung, aktuelle Betrugsmasche.
1. If keeping 12 invoices for more than an year presents a difficulty to you, you better close doors, leave this whole digitalisation thing and go back to the 20th century!Search function does not work: app does not find regions that are listed when you search for them in the search field.
2. Seriously? Where do you keep your logs then? I actually used the same number to register! Never again!Handyticket are only keeping your invoices for 12 Months! So if you want to use their paperless electronic tickets for a tax return you can forget it.
3. When opening a ticket to show for inspection it displays a big "your data is updating" box, hiding the ticket!! You need to turn on airplane mode to prevent this.
4. Doesn't work when you want it to -- that is right before the tram arrives.Since update the app continues to give me "unable to connect to server" pop up message even when I have full network or WiFi and simply gets stuck.
5. It is very annoying, especially when I do not have cash with me and the app does not work!!Worst customer service ever! On the 1st of April I was getting an authentication error on my account and I could not log in again.
6. Worked perfectly before.You know the old, rude ticket office lady struggling with her Windows XP computer? She developed an app called HandyTicket.
7. Besides of that it doesn't show me any ticket information with the notification "This tariff menu is no longer available".
8. Do NOT use this app.I am at the bus station and it is always a lottery ticket to see if today the app will work crashing or when selecting the ticket, or during the payment process.
9. The amount of information you have to enter makes you think you are buying a car, not a train ticket.
10. Since last month's update, it continuously says "Wrong PIN given" and refuses to purchase tickets.
11. Surprisingly I have never had problems with local public transport apps when living in other cities.