1. The only thing that would make this any better would to also have the option to turn on a siren as well.The fact that you can sync it with microphone input is just amazing! Will definitely use it as a party trick.This app his amazing!! It lets you actually dim the light itself and provides options for strobe lights too! My personal favorite is the fact you're able to dim the physical flashlight!Great app for your custom need to control frequecy, color, time and everything else you can think of.
2. Being run by software on a phone using touch friendly sliders to adjust settings, it can be hard to get it perfect, and the timing consistency is not perfectly stable but it's fair enough to have some fun - this is likely a hardware limitation, no fault of the developer, but it seems to be less consistent than a "real" strobe light e.g. cannot get a spinning fan perfectly dialed in to appear stationary.
3. I use the STROBE function and set the rate (top slider) to about 6Hz, and the Duty Cycle (bottom slider) to the extreme right, and then turn off the display and I have a VERY battery-saving flashlight that strobes at 6Hz with a short but bright LED pulse.
4. I would suggest clearly labeling all of the buttons and sliders with text - the app's layout certainly leaves room for this.I was looking for an app that would use the camera flash to strobe in the case if emergency.
5. It runs MUCH cooler than a standard "always on" LED flashlight mode, and takes a LOT less power to light things up enough to walk around safely in a totally dark room.Just what I was looking for.
6. It shows the strobe frequency in Hz (10Hz = 10 flashes per second).
7. It gives you the option to choose the rate of flash with frequency or flash per minute (FPM).
8. During the strobe, the frequency of the blinking is not displayed.
9. I set this to blink at a specific frequency so I have a light on my kayak for other boats to see.
10. It also let's you choose how long of a pause in between flashes you want and how long you want each flash to be.Very nice app.
11. The only thing I didn't like is that it sends notifications when the app is in use but that is easy enough to turn off in Android settings.