1. Zerodha is trusted by over 1. 5 crore customers who hold over ₹5 lakh crores worth of investments.
2. Our mission is to help you do better with your money.
3. Zerodha Kite is our flagship trading and investment platform, used by over 75 lakh traders and investors who place 2+ crore orders every day. ● Free zero brokerage investments in stocks, bonds, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), government bonds, and gold bonds. ● Advanced trading tools for charting, F&O analytics, investment research, and backtesting. ● Comprehensive tax-ready reports that help you file your tax returns easily. ● Filtered and curated updates for the investments in your portfolio. ● Free access to Zerodha’s ecosystem products like Sensibull, Tijori, Streak, Quicko, and more. ● No gimmicks, spam, "gamification," or annoying push notifications.
1. Zeroda if you read my reviews please update your features and improve options chain.Very good, but still needs some improvement First of all on mobile app there is no option to save scales of more than one chart in trading view charts option, scale should be saved within chart when lock scale, also switching from dark to default mode scale lock reset which should not be, second in this chart scale properties view doesn't fit on mobile and not convinent to use.
2. Unable to understand why Zerodha hasn't made those features available in Kite or why haven't they launched seperate app for Console?Worst Trading view chart implementation amongst other brokers.... the 'cross' cursor always overlaps finger cannot move it independently.
3. Other brokers app have long tap to enable the 'cross' cursor but in kite it's always enabled and moves with the chart making it impossible to see precise price in time period like it's there in trading view and other brokers chart apps plus lot of trading view chart settings are missing.Nice update.
4. Also, when I first tried kite out, i wasn't able to figure of how to set a buy price limit which I found one of the part missing here but found easily accross other platform.
5. Great!The App is easy to use but if we comparing the other app's they also easy to use and also they give us more features and facilities to trade.
6. If we explore other app's they have quite good interface and also very informative option chain.
7. Not all features are available on the app even the simple feature to sort the holdings by day gain/loss which is very helpful and easy to implement.
8. I have been using other platform for investing which was more easy to use.
9. E.g- ind money, groww, etc.The App is great and I've been using since long time but in Mobile it has became really difficult to use all draw functions.
10. But it misses few features like top gainers and top losers, total fees charged on the executed order (this is really required, at least for a beginner like me).
11. I just hope they have an option where you can have different modes which you can enable in the application/web.I am using this app since 7year plus but recently facing a lot issue.