1. The free PeakLens app works flawlessly, and the pay-for PeakFinder is the best, imo (although PeakLens might be easier to use).Looks like a great app, but my cheap phone (galaxy core prime) does not have a compass sensor :(this is a great help to identify peaks - filter by distance & height to focus on an area -Allows you to work out mountains and hills in the distance.
2. Great communication with author too.Seems to work except the camera is upside down.
3. If I could zoom into a picture and see the names appear on more distant peaks as I zoom towards them in the picture, that would be pretty cool.
4. Great job.This is a great start and I'm really looking forward to future improvements.
5. Blank screen after start, that's itit is useful appThis app is a hidden gem.
6. I've been recommending it to my friends this evening and it's teaching me the names of hills around my own home that I didn't know.
7. Screen shots might be a nice idea but if it ain't broke don't fix it.
8. What I'd really love to see is the ability to capture a scene, recall it later and be able to interact with it.
9. The ability to take screenshots of the view will be nice.
10. Even just being able to freeze the view would be helpful.
11. On a cloudy day the white font is hard to read in camera mode.