1. We should have the option to give 0 stars for total rubbish apps and those which just sit there doing nothing, except consuming space on our phones and tablets.What a frustrating useless app that is impossible to remove from Samsung devices and yet even though Samsung has disabled it,again and again it STILL KEEPS SHOWING UP WANTING TO BE UPDATED!! Over the past couple of years I've asked and asked Samsung to please remove it completely since it was them that shut it down,but it STILL WANTS UPDATED EVERY NOW AND THEN,There is absolutely NO WAY TO REMOVE IT FROM SAMSUNG DEVICES OR UNINSTALL IT, it's using space and it's so frustrating.Judging by one of the displayed pictures saying samsung galaxy S4 on it while linked, YEAH THAT IS WHY IT WAS DISCONTINUED also becuase S4 was one of samsungs best phones when it came to all available features being on it.
2. One of the best pieces of software that Samsung HAD, and that is saying something since most of their software is not very intuitive/well thought out... (hardware is awesome, just need some better heads in their software dept.) It saved so many people so much time and circumvented so many stupid file size limits in the digital world! Why would you terminate this app!?!?Why did you terminate this app without instituting something else it its place???? Not all electronics work on SmartThings!!!! if this is the case, then all your smart TVs from 2013/2015 should be compatible with SmartThings and eliminate Allshare/Samsung Link Apps all together...there's no need for me to buy another TV when its working perfectly... just creating a technology wasteland....I too am sick of hearing about apps being discontinued.
3. I bought a Samsung Tab A not all that long ago and am really suprised to discover that many apps are officially designated as "may not be compatible"! Moreover, the Samsung Galaxy Life app was supposed to be replaced by mySamsung & when I click on the link to go to the said replacement, I am taken to a dead page telling me the content I'm looking for no longer exists on this page! Why is my Samsung app store unavailable on my pad?If you give the option to uninstall, then make sure we can actually UNINSTALL IT from our devices.
4. Is it because we're not up to date with our devices??? I totally am with my Phone, as for my Tablet, well I've just started using mine again & I'm shocked at the amount of Apps that are saying they're not, or may not be suitable for my Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 Note N5120 any longer.
5. That also meant it opened the door for alot of counterfeit S4 being made and well im will keep this short was a good app but Samsung apps has long since fallen down slope... 1 Star only for termination with no app similar replacing it..Once upon a time, in a far off land.
6. If you install the Wearable, Health, or supporting applications you are forced to give Samsung pretty much full access to your phone (location, contacts, calendar, phone, folders, etc.). Doesn’t matter what you WANT to use the apps for.
7. Moral of the story kids? Don't put everything you own in one basket, because they will take everything from you.This is just a bloatware I had all the time on Samsung Phones, never needed it, was the first app to deactivate (uninstalling would be nice but after all it's a system app) when I unboxed a Samsung phone.
8. However, as per Samsung support, “You can login into Samsung account only from the Samsung phones not from other than Samsung phones as per the device design from the manufacturer.” Last year Samsung’s CEO (Lee Jae-yong) was convicted of perjury, bribery, embezzlement, ….
9. :-(If you own a Samsung phone and don’t mind sharing every aspect of your life then this appears to be a very good option.
10. A total CON by Samsung, on a global scale.
11. Grant access or the apps won’t even start.