1. Doesn't recognise that i subscribed and keeps taking me to an error mressage cos i have already subscribedI have made a purchase but my purchase is not appearing as available to download.
2. However, after making a yearly purchase of the magazine, and clearing cache amd logging out and back in...im still being told that I do not have a subscription.
3. So I paid but I can not see the magazine I boughtHorrible app kept closing on me said it had bugsTreasure box of ideas, love the presentation.App keeps closing.Like the designs.
4. When I click on it, it says subscribe again.. So I cancelled the subscription on my play store and it says Crochet Now is still going to take my subscription money on the 29th April.
5. I subscribed and unsubscribed within 5 minutes!! I don't want itI'm sure that the magazine is excellent.
6. this is a quality magazine when I have purchased at a store, which is an hour drive one way.
7. :(can not purchase a magazine or subscribe.
8. I can't use this app, there's a fault and I'm still getting charged.. I'm uninstalling and im absolutely fuming and feel like I've been conned into something I don't want.
9. wanted the convenience of having it on my android tablet, guess that's not going to happen.
10. Hoped the issue would have been sorted.
11. Requesting refund.Csnt download any magazines.