1. It can be time consuming if you have a lot of files because you may need to tag each item individually, though if you have mp3s that share information -- such as artist, album name, or genre -- you can tag them as a group.
2. I couldn't get the rename file by tags in SD card to work, even though saving the files is OK.
3. Then, I checked my files, I found them after a little searching around, but were no longer usable in any app.Thanks for deleting my just downloaded several music files that i suspect this app could be the culprit.
4. If you want to add your own art make sure the .jpg size is correct (5oo x 5oo or 150 x 150) Allow access to root of sd card and follow your nose.
5. Well as soon as i shut off the phone and restart all those tags were gone and time wasted.
6. Changes took effect immediately, and I can change stuff like the title, artist, album, year, and genre.
7. It works but not if you restart your phone - basically useless.I went into the app and tagged the artist and albums for some of my songs.
8. All I needed was to change the title of songs on my sd card.
9. Several hours later something is not right, i checked the files in the file manager and its gone.
10. So this app wasted loads of my time which I spent editing songs, and also just deleted one of them.
11. I used it to tag HUNDREDS of songs and when I opened Samsung Music they were as I wanted them to be.