1. Filo tutor online learning app personalized for CBSE, ICSE & State Board students.
2. Filo tutor provides a wide range of study materials like - NCERT Solutions, Previous Year Question Papers, CBSE Notes, Important Questions, and much more.
3. Filo tutor is an online classes app to help students with homework, questions & concepts.
4. Online Tutors - Solve questions, class homework, physics, chemistry, maths, biology tutor.
5. We cater to all types of homework solutions and homework help, for maths, IIT doubts, CBSE, biology, CBSE books, neet preparation, IIT jee test series, physics jee.
6. NCERT Solutions is very important for CBSE students since the NCERT Syllabus guidelines.
7. Become an online tutor on the Filo tutor app and earn up to Rs 20,000+ per month.
8. Teach students from CBSE Class 8th to Class 12th.
9. We are on the mission to make the online study experience easy and smooth for students.
10. Work from home or anywhere and teach students online.
11. We cover a very wide range of syllabus from the CBSE Board, ICSE, and State Boards.
1. Very big amount of time I wasted in this App and earn few.Initially it was good , but this recent last update added the feature of accepting the question , that the pop up for accepting the question appears after the 2-3 seconds ! This is not working for what purpose it was added! This was added for giving sufficient time before accepting the question but it is not working properly and always show "accepted by another tutor !! This is not okey! Very bad !!It is not a very trustable application.
2. You need to complete the session to be verified to get calls, but if I don't get any calls, then how I am supposed to achieve this total waste of time if you are not verified didn't make any sense to me now a lots of mental stress that's a compliment for sure don't installInitially this app was very nice.
3. When I email the filo team they said my account has been blocked because of low ratings but how this can be possible..when I didn't received a single call 😡😡Previously the app was working very well.
4. I want to give 5 stars but present condition made me marks 1.This is really worsen app ,,, there is no such knowledgeable teacher are available due to it and also day to day subscription price is going to be so much expansive,,as for my experience plz I would like to suggest u don't go along with this app.. thanksOverall the app is good.
5. Please do credit tutors not on number of calls but also on ratings and dedication.
6. I keep waiting for calls but no calls.. it is wastage of mine time and money.
7. But some students r really irritating, they came here only for fun without any relevant question and makes tutor ratings down.
8. If you don't provide me any calls then how can we improve our rating and get verifiedI have joined this app and when I completed all my steps.
9. When ever login there is not a single call coming either random or by favourite students.
10. Then till 7 days i didn't received a single call from student.
11. Giving complain to customer support team but from there also no response.New update is worst.
Plz delete my account
Want to delete account on filo tutor
I want to delete my account since I have filled few wrong details
Please delete my filo account
i have the app and i used my number (678)887-8304 and i would like it deleted and if i have a account with this email i would like it deleted to i don't use filo and theres no way i can delete it myself...
Please delete the account.. account linked with number 9898243821
Please delete my account permanently. This is because I have got a full time job and so I cannot give here my time
i want to delete my filo tutor app account of a tutor so kindly delete i am no longer going to use it
Please delete my filo account