1. Some Android apps turn on location when they feel like it, not much point in having buttons that don't work!Mock location app, excellent, requires developer mode, tho is easy to activate as follows, To use mock location you need to have developer mode enabled if you have an Android it is very easy you just go into (about phone) in settings then click (software information) then click (build number) 5 times then at the bottom of your settings developer options will be thereApp hasn't been updated since 2016 so it no longer works on new phones running Android 11 onwards.
2. I followed institutions to turn location service on, and tried with it off to no availWorked great on most of my phone's, but now keeps crashing on my note 20.TO AVOID GPS CORRECT YOUR POSITION, FIRST TURN OFF GPS ON PHONE, THEN START MOCKATION WITH DESIRED LOCATION.
3. I set my location in Mockation then I checked Google's 'map', 1st it went to my mock location, then it zoomed over to my chosen test location! mmk.
4. I guess to check it's working you check on Google's 'Map' app, so you have to allow location permission on that as well as Mockation.
5. much be better if it will show a zoomed in picture of the last location u usedCrashes everytime I start location mocking on my S20.
6. I thought the idea was to give a mock location 🙄 so my fault or the apps?.
7. It just crashesannoying thing is that it is always zoomed out when you open the app.
8. Unsure how it's supposed to work.