1. It should deduct the installments on monthly basis instead of charging the whole loan to the account and show it in negative.Can someone explain to me why in the earth i lost my synced data two times even if I make sure to sync it manually from time to time? Like six months of synced data gone in a blink of the eye, just why?!! Mistake like this can ruin the entire experience in general.I would give more than 5 stars if I could.
2. Also, when I withdraw cash from my bank account it should automatically adds it to my cash on hand wallet then it asks me if I want to use the money or not and if I answered yes then it encourages me to add a new expense.I lost all my entries that have been backed up to google drive after replacing the phone.
3. 2- Wish there was a way to add money on hand as a separate wallet and when I wish to add new expenses I can choose where that money is being deducted from, either my bank account or cash.
4. It needs to be multi languages, add the ability to use several currencies in the single account with transfer rates, it also going to be very nice if you can add a to do or a shopping list also the ability to synchronise with other family members.
5. These features are available in many other wallet apps , but what makes distinguished is the Arabic language, but I hope that you add English language too.
6. If the last transaction is added to a locked wallet, then I lock it .. I can still add transactions on it (if I forget to change it)The loan function is not qorking properly.
7. Would love to have an update in the future to get dark theme if its possible or play with the theme colours!! That would be really nice too.
8. First, it's not allowing me to capture photos of bills and store it with daily expenses.
9. first time ai use it he show me report of the month.
10. In addition, there is a very important suggestion, which is to add graphs to the reports to become useful and complete.
11. Also the UI is really nice, eyes catching and clear also nothing is complicated for everyday use and for long term too.