1. Why can't I listen to what I want when I want.Personally I think it's better than spotify, BUT of course there are cons like you can't see play count of a song, also lots of songs that were remixes or features don't show up on all contributed artists' pages, andddd it won't work as fluid as on iphone, there are some glitches sometimes, but overall good, I know it'll just keep evolving.
2. Overall, I have run into close to 0 issues, exluding a minor issue I noticed where within 5 to 10 seconds of the next song, you can hear the next song for a brief second before the song thats playing ends, making it the foreground noise, which really, just sounds really good switching songs, it sounds seamless.
3. I finally got to download songs and complete albums, but when I try to listen to a downloaded album after about 2 to 3 songs it starts playing things I have never heard of before.
4. The interface is great, more options than spotify and of course LOSSLESS AUDIO on all songs.Music selection is alright.
5. When checking the properties of a song so that you can view the entire album or CD, that menu item does not exist on the Android version.
6. Why doesn't a paid subscription warrant a quality product?As an Apple person stuck with a Google device, natruly I went here, being a long time subscriber to the service.
7. Now the app randomly stops transmitting the song to bluetoothMore time passes with Apple refusing to fix issues for paying customers.
8. As of June 2023, the Android operating system version of the Apple Music does not perform the same as the IOS (iPhone) version.
9. I have it free through Verizon and it hardly loads half of the time, the enhanced sound barely works with my wireless beats earbuts and headphones and I don't ever bother downloading music due the space it takes up.
10. Hopefully it can fixed as this seems like a common problem for Android users.Won't let me download songs for listening with out using data.
11. I've been using Spotify and I wanted to try something different so I bought Apple Music.
Apple Music for Android, version 3.5.0 (1083) on Android 10, Samsung Galaxy XCover 4s: Presumably, tracks are added to the library at the same time (temporarily?) when they are added to a playlist, although this option was explicitly deselected in the settings.