1. Im ashamed to have ever downloaded it on to my phone.Triller is a great app I loved it when I first downloaded it because when using your own music you can record for longer than 30 seconds but now they changed that option and everything is 30 seconds which is very upsetting especially when I do dance videos.
2. First of all, I heard Kevin Hart was supposed to be featured on triller, yet, after searching for an hour or so, I did not find any content from him.
3. It's impossible for me to make a good video.In my time using triller, I was thoroughly disappointed.
4. Every video I record lags behind the music for the video very badly, and I can't find a fix for this no matter how hard I try and I've been trying on and off for over a year.
5. And i do think there are just a little to much things in the way of the videos when you scroll.I use to think Triller was a good app a long time ago but it slowly got worse, and I deleted it.
6. I do not find this content entertaining or engaging, but if you really love ads, maybe this app is for you.This app is like a sad, pathetic Frankenstein mashup of so many other apps to have come before it.
7. For Example: I take a quick vid, and I press the button to record, but I cannot stop the video in between the middle of the song or whenever I like.
8. It starts playing music right upon opening it, which is annoying every time, and some of the buttons wouldn't even work for me.
9. As I scrolled through the triller homepage, all the featured clips seemed to be ads, commercials, or just filled with blatant product placement.
10. I am unable to control the length of my video clips, or have a wide range of filters.
11. Immediately after opening the app for the first time, it informs you that it's stealing your data and says you can turn it off in settings.