1. Pitty that OsmCycle maps don't make API authentication.Useless cannot open gpx files.
2. I want an app that shows the actual routes.Useless, I have GPX file in my files, but this app cannot find it, although it has acess to all files.
3. It is a simple and clear gpx file viewer with many different maps to choose from, requires internet connection.
4. Garbage spam app.Cannot open a GPS file either...unfortunately it can't open gpx files, even can't detect my location.
5. I'm running it on an old Acer tablet under Android 4Fairly useless if viewing a track over water with satellite view, as the app shows the track in black, and therefore it disappears in the water which is also close to black.
6. It is possible to open a GPX in app directly from a file manager altough this caused some unstability in app (tested with ES Explorer classic from SMB share).
7. Select a a point and click navigate, Google Maps app opens with routing dialog and you just select from where.
8. An option to add would be viewing two or more maps at once to compare routes.I really wanted this to work but, unfortunately, all it did was show waypoints.
9. Only feature I miss is to copy (as text to clipboard) the Point coordinates, name and text.Installed this accidentally when looking for gpx navigation.
10. Support different offline maps and will display multiple GPX.
11. It will freeze if you don't have Google Play Services installed, I had to go into Settings > Apps > Force Stop to unfreeze it.