1. Do better ... Uninstalling it and only had for 5 minutes.Dont downloadMy kids love it.
2. insightfulmkipppppooa1Thank ugoodডডদেররলাভভিভানানানশষষষষষষষমধত্রচাভাথাভিত্রঞণঞঞঞঞণণণঞঞণণঞঞূঞূণনণূনূমৈঞোছছছূছূশেত্রৌদদকছঠটদ্ঢুশাধাবাৎাধীশ্র্ষ্ষূno songs, boring and my son couldn't figure out how to make it go.
3. Kids will get bored of this.
4. And should be able to just tap and make the sounds.