1. I'd pay for this app if these problems were fixed and carefully checked for other such errors.I really like it! The video lessons help break down characters and give tips on how to remember them.
2. I have a small complaint about the handwriting font used in all of the videos, the M looks like n, which can be confusing and distracting! Rarely, I did also have trouble understanding the instructor's French accent, like I couldn't tell if he said walk or work.
3. This can be confusing as the slight audio delay causes it to play as the next card shows up, which is bad for the learning experience.Pretty awesome.
4. The word 漂亮 is written as two fourth tone characters, but the second character has no tone in this word.
5. I agree with others that hearing a character as you swipe the card away, results in hearing it while seeing a different character.
6. One issue i have that I hope will be fixed, is that whenever you go to swipe a card away, it plays the pronunciation audio.
7. Second, in a video lesson about measure words 这些 is translated as "those" but 那些 is the way to say "those" in Chinese.
8. Would love to practice writing with a similarly structured app.Really nice supplemental app, not going to teach you the language on its own of course but its a nice addition.
9. The amount of effort and work put into just the free version is awesome.
10. I definitely recommend to everyone!Great app! The interface was great and video lessons informative and interesting.
11. Anyhow many thanks: looking forward to New HSK2I have a few apps for learning Mandarin and they all have their individual style of teaching.