1. Download the New Kissin 92. 5 App to listen to the biggest hit music station in the 4-State Area.
2. We're the only station that plays your 10 favorite songs in a row!
3. Hear Kidd Kraddick, Bianca, and Kraus wherever you go. -Enter contests and take advantage of special, Kissin 92.
1. 😎I dont have a radio so helps me alotHas a slow connenctionNgl you'll suckQ we to go first thing tomorrowi love kissin 92.5It is so awesome if you don't like it they you are so stupid.App works fine.
2. Playing app while also playing marvel contest of champions.
3. help!!!!Will not open on my Samsung.
4. The app is no longer working on my samsung s9.
5. Please fix this!!Excellent app! 😁 Can't say anything more about it.
6. No issues.