1. Use your free horoscope to plan your day, life, love and career. ★ Daily horoscope - The horoscope updated daily with highly accurate description of your day. ★ Beautiful graphical interface and sound effect. ★ Get your complete and detailed astrology predictions every day directly on your phone.
2. Face reading is the art of determining character or personal qualities.
3. Your face is the mirror of your personality and future foretelling .
4. Start and finish your day with enjoyment.
5. Read it after you wake up and before bed.
6. Image Credits: Created by Pressfoto, Starline, Rwdd_studios - Freepik.
1. it's a fake app,don't downloadfine bur really didnt need To add more horrscopes of This very same already have About this very same in my cellphone Appworst app ever coz if i don't show my face and click photo then also it predict about us....Excellent experience in a map of a face readingWorst app in my life ever.
2. for me it really worked it read exactly what i was thinking about and gave me good advice i would say jet it now!waste, if I change my name and take a pic.,it's showing some Other details .
3. Very bad explanations and .
4. I really hated it.