1. Discover which is your Animal and your Element (Water, Earth, Fire, Metal and Wood) in the Chinese Horoscope - Chinese Zodiac.
2. Enter your date of birth, or the date of person you want and get the results of your Chinese Zodiac - Chinese Horoscope instantly.
3. Also find what your compatible animals, incompatible animals and your secret friend following the Chinese Horoscope.
4. And the influences because of the 5 elements (Water, Earth, Fire, Metal and Wood)?
5. You'll get your animal and element, your characteristics as that animal and how these characteristics are influenced because of your element.
6. With what, would you like to know what your children horoscope would be?
7. You can enter dates up to 2100.
8. If you have any comments, don't hesitate to contact us at info@synergieapps.
1. I give it 5 stars, which it deserves, because the layout is beautiful of the starry sky, the app works fine and uses little MB, and the trait listings for my sign are accurate with me.So I do thank the creator of this app.its ok..my original one no longer on the app store and doesn't work..thought it be this one but isntWorks for older Android versions...It is the most useful and accurate app I have ever used.
2. This is a perfect example of apps now days that are only of the traits of each Chinese sign, and no daily horoscope reading.
3. I used to think that I have to scroll through all of the dates and years to find out the newest Chinese New Year Animal.
4. Now that I have figured it out, feels so much better to use this app.