1. The phone flashes a message the app has a bug and won't start the application, but the app performance was always 3 stars when it did work, as the stream would often cut out randomly.Dudes,i must start by saing i love you!! U are so great and play so many great songs and vibes and mixes,but my experience with your app is terribble.
2. By doing so, the app will be allowed to keep streaming audio even when you are not using your phone.Great app, but from some time now I have problems with some radio station, that will just not load (for example Blue Marlin).
3. Last thing on the wishlist would be Chromecast support so I can play on my nice speakers! Keep up the great work :)It keeps cutting out and forcing you to push the play button again.
4. I tried uninstall and power save turned off, but nothing seems to work... Any other suggestions? Thanks!Drains battery and brings my phone to a halt making it unusable.
5. They advised the following which works! Some manufacturers like Samsung has set by default power saving settings that are a bit too restrictive not allowing the app to connect to the Internet after the screen has been locked.
6. One more thing, PLEASE include a cast option on the next update, we all don't use headphones to listen.Great music but has some issues and missing features.
7. I deleted the app,reinstaled it but it happend the same...please help and make it better and normal si we can enjoyit further! Still love ya,Great music in bitesize bits.
8. I'M RUNNING ANDROID..Great station and I really hope they can keep going, happy to support as best I can.
9. The main issue is Blue Marlin, will play for days, then refuses, even though the other stations on the app work.
10. The app really needs to have cast functionality as the great tunes really need to be heard through proper sound system.
11. Everytime i open it in my phone it blocks everything...i can hear the radio but everything is blocked and its not normal.