1. Here you haven't any problems like thisPositively surprised ! The method is clear and efficient, I learn new vocabulary every day and I'm finally making progress, perfect !Your search for language learning app has just stopped now!.. Surely you're never going to regret trying Mosalinga, that's Awesome 👌.
2. Consistency is the key.If someone's looking for an institute, to learn Foreign language including the English, this is it.... This the Final Destination.
3. The App is using the current learning method and it's really encouraging to learn 10mins every day.(Good app👍🏾) Help me please.
4. I super Recommend to anybody looking for language learning app.. Go ahead and give it try now.it works, but you must be patient with the constant bugs.
5. the flashcard's audios fail frequently.It's a great learning English.
6. They did a really good job with this app.Best the best free app for learning English.
7. This app is my English learning companion.
8. A big salute for those crew behind these app.Probably the best app for learning a new language.
9. I also took a couple of English tests which I passed (C1 level), mostly thank to this app.
10. So to get more of it, I chose to learn five new words or expressions per day.
11. Basically it helps you to retain new words and sentences, even words you take from other sources .