1. Looking forward to the rollout of the social function!Filipe, i was able to record and save a base recording but each time I select "record" to add an additional one, the app just shows a blue circle with the text "loading..." I waited nearly 10 minutes and a very short video that was my base still did not load.
2. Help! Ive tried several tests and can't get past this place.I have been using this app without any problems for a few months, but overnight i woke up to a version that has no controls for adding videos to the montage.
3. I tried sending to it Google drive first and then downloading it, but after downloading it to my phone from drive my phone didn't recognize the file type and it couldn't be played.
4. And finally, if you would like to keep the name of your app, the best thing is to make it a video collage maker.
5. Thank you!First impression: this is fantastic! Especially after using Acapella Maker for the last couple years, I feel like this is far and away the better app.
6. You can sync the recordings upto 0.001 sec!!!! Awesome Except that it doesn't deleted the unwanted recordings.
7. Hope developer fixes If you try to start from a different point in the sync tool .
8. I thought it did video collages, but the name kinda tricked me, so maybe change the name.
9. EDIT: I still don't see a way to just export the video to my phone's storage.
10. I also cannot find the playback button for each video in a project.
11. Only odd thing is that changing the volume of the tracks doesn't seem to change anything on preview.