1. Notre offre comprend près de 80 millions de produits à prix Cdiscount dans plus de 16 univers (high-tech, maison, déco, électroménager…) et des services dans les domaines du voyage, de la téléphonie ou de la billetterie.
2. Depuis plus de 25 ans, on répond à tous vos besoins, du vélo pour le petit dernier au meuble design qui manque dans le salon, en passant par le smartphone reconditionné et les vacances entre amis l’été prochain.
3. Avec l’application Cdiscount, votre expérience shopping en ligne est fluide, inspirante et simple, de la recherche de produits jusqu’à la livraison chez vous.
4. Bienvenue chez Cdiscount, une entreprise française proche de vous !
5. En utilisant l’appli, vous êtes sûr(e) de ne rater aucune de nos meilleures offres grâce aux notifications : promotions, ventes flash, baisses de prix… L’appli Cdiscount, le meilleur moyen pour augmenter votre pouvoir d’achat !
1. The proxy between me and the seller, i.e Cdiscount, does not care one bit about the customer, you can't even escalate issues like in Amazon or Aliexpress.1 want to know the problem with cdiscount right now I'm this site for the past 4 yeas, it was the site I bought my 65inch television why now they want to start fraud, I bought laser dewalt 390€ the money was collected from my account since Monday the email I'm using for the site which I use to buy many things from the site they are telling me is not recognized since on Monday, no tracking number no mail, I'm just coming from my bank now my advisor told me the money was transfer from cdiscount.It is very expensive app They are all products to much high price And they have not more pictures that we see and like it It's too much too much expensive produced on this app and just with one picture for me it's wasting time and moneyWhile the se...
2. If you go through their more than 100 page long list of terms al& conditions (Conditions general d'abonnement) under article 6, and article 7.1 and 7.2, it claims you can easily click the button "Se désabonner" but this is nowhere to be found OR you can make a paid phone callThey pursue the client to install their application by giving a code "bon achat personel".
3. In the conclusion, I don't like how they trick people by giving a code personal but it doesn't work!Crashes all the time, extremely slow and buggy, doesn't register touches properly, and if you want to search for something well good luck with that.I highly recommend NOT to use this website/app.
4. I'm only allowed to pay one time and no better how expensive or cheap the item is.Latest app update has a bug that won't let me complete typing in the search bar, it simply reloads the page and the search bar disappears.
5. Do you guys accept homing pigeons as well? Or is it too advanced for you? On a serious note, I have paid for a product which I have not received, the seller said it was delivered, though I haven't received anything.
6. EDIT: 23/03/2023 Nearly 2 months on from my original review and the issue has still not been fixed.Can't even contact a human being except through old mailing methods used in the medieval times.
7. When I wrote the code, the system said my "bon achat" has been expired.
8. I want to buy phone for my sister, but all it keep saying is that I'm not eligible to pay 4 times.
9. It's literally the website copy pasted into an app format which doesn't even work.
10. And now I am following up on the refund since over a month!! This is after exchange of messages daily and them having asked for multiple documents! Please save yourself trouble and stay away!The app is just bad.
11. It locks you in for 1 year and via the website or app, there is no straightforward button to unsubscribe.