1. By using this App you agree SpaceRocket cannot be held responsible for damaged caused to your device or yourself by placing it near strong magnetic fields.
2. You can use it to detect cables in walls, anomalies, electromagnetic interference or find out what strong magnetic fields surround you every day.
3. By using your device's inbuilt geomagnetic field sensor we can measure fields in the X, Y and Z axis.
4. The app also has a Zero Function to remove any background fields like the Earth's magnetic field (30-70 uT).
5. All electrical devices give off magnetic fields in various strengths, some can be dangerous to your health.
6. Our app allows you to find electromagnetic fields (EMF) around the home, workshop and office.
7. The app includes guides on how to use the magnetometer, how to calibrate and a list of typical readings you will find around the home, workshop and office.
8. The analogue needle quickly shows readings jumping from positive to negative and has 3 levels of magnification, ideal to adjust sensitivity.
9. As a small indie studio it is because of your warmth and support that gives us the confidence to keep creating apps and trying to make this studio a success.
10. This Magnetometer is a great way for you to detect electromagnetic fields.
11. The Audio Function changes the frequency of sound to let you know the strengths of fields.
1. Great job to the developers!I like the zero setting as it helps to measure magnetic field of devices without bothering about earth's contribution.Excellent app.
2. In place of an expensive gauss probe, this is definitely worth a look at.Works perfectly, tested it on hard drive magnets.
3. Also the option the change to gauss reading instead of uT would be super useful.
4. Excellent indicator for field measurement.
5. Nore to keep the phone in the same orientation during measurement.
6. Or get a few hundred units difference reading to reading.
7. However each phone/device has its sensors in a different locatiion.