1. We saved his life.To low of level of CPR for my needsEveryone needs this.Very informativeApp name is wrong on the phone: "Rescucitate!" Could be a pun though.greatThis is a great app, especially for those of us who do not know every little correct detail as those of you in the medical profession would know but hey at least its something and that's always better than just doing nothing.
2. Latest courses don't even say to check for pulse, because most people are bad at checking, and don't know proper rate anways.
3. Leave the securing the airway for the paramedicAs stated below, you should take training, but, as they say in training that it is sometimes better to break a rib (which can happen if CPR is done correctly anyways) and save a life, than to do nothing and assure death.
4. I for one install this app everytime I upgrade so thank you to the people who provided this for the non medical professionals.And what happens if it is a heroin overdose ? There resps are around 2 - 4 resps per minute.
5. Also, when giving breaths, tilt the head back to clear the airway, unless it appears there may be head/spinal injury.
6. shout for ambulance and Defibrillator 6 start compressions (30 then 2 breaths repeat) 7.
7. If the airway isnt secure you are wasting time on breaths, thats how I was trained and its more successful.
8. Concerning checking for response, yes, the latest advice is to do compressions if the person is unresponsive.
9. If no help arrives after 2 sets (5 for child) call emerge Rate of compression is 100 per minute.
10. So you don't use cpr only breaths, and you keep the oxygen constant until further help arrives.
11. May seem corny, but sing the Star Spangled Banner in your head and compress on the beat.