1. SmallBASIC works well with "Hacker's Keyboard" available separately. - SmallBASIC is a multi-platform BASIC language: Currently, Linux, Windows and Android are supported. - The language is pretty compact: The Debian installer for Linux, for example, comes as a single 340 kb file. - SmallBASIC features a very comprehensive set of mathematical functions. - It is an interpreted language with no compilation runs required. - SmallBASIC supports structured programming, user-defined structures and modularized source files.
2. SmallBASIC includes trigonometric, matrices and algebra functions, a powerful string library, system, and graphic commands along with structured programming syntax.
3. SmallBASIC is a fast and easy to learn BASIC programming language interpreter ideal for everyday calculations, scripts and prototypes.
4. This is the open source GPL version 3 licensed SmallBASIC originally made for the Palm Pilot and later ported to the Franklin eBookman and Nokia 770 devices.
5. It is not object-oriented, though. - It also shows much leeway in questions of syntax: For many commands, there are alternatives, and for many constructs, there are different synonyms available. - Graphics primitives (like lines, circles, etc. ) are provided, as well as sound and simple GUI functions.
6. SmallBASIC, which was originally created for the Palm Pilot personal digital assistant in the late 1990's by Nicholas Christopoulos.
7. NOTE: This is *not* "Small Basic" from Microsoft.
8. Please report any crashes to one of the following.
9. Be sure to include a small snippet of code causing the issue.
1. I've got great hopes for this app because I've written quite a few utility programs just for my own use over the years and this is WAY EASIER than learning javascript!! Now problems are surfacing with the user interface: How do I exit smallbasic without having to bring up the task manager to kill it? Once I write a program and save it, how do I get back to open another scratch.bas session for a different program?Great for learning coding.
2. Hoping that improves.I just found this app on my Chromebook and, having written hundreds of BASIC programs over the years, was excited to try it.
3. Chris had this answer for us immediatley.This is exactly what I've been looking for! I'm into computer programming as a hobby, and I've been wanting to try making programs that could also run on Android.
4. Too many download it who haven't enough knowledge of BASIC or programming, or don't have the patience to go to the website or notice the menu icon, or think it's the MS thing with similar name.
5. I opened the app to find the menu options overwriting each other, and the demonstration program kind of messed up.
6. The IDE is unusual but fine when you get used to its quirks.Super great! Huge range of Basic commands.
7. Overall, the user interface needs an overhaul to make it far more friendly.First impressions aren't good.
8. Found the help system (👍) and love it, but "autocomplete / code suggestions" would be awesome, thanks.
9. If you could improve on the interface, add some graphical elements, like buttons, menus, etc., that would be great.
10. I immediately wrote a small test program using input, goto, print, etc.
11. It does take some effort to figure out the file system but overall it's an amazing program.